Author: Idea Marketing

These days, medical technology is providing a level of care, support, and disease prevention not imagined even just a few years ago.  The diagnoses of conditions such as strokes and even dementia now come with some hope of improved functionality thanks to new research and technology. Even patient handling equipment has experienced some major changes in the last several years, and...

The World Health Organization states medical imaging equipment is the most crucial tool doctors, nurses and other medical staff use to help patients.  This wide variety of equipment, including MRI scanners, CT scanners, PET scanners, and X-ray machines, assists in preventative care as well as palliative care. The machines can provide correct diagnoses, assess disease status, and provide general information for...

NAI is a manufacturer and distributor of cable assemblies. Starting with copper, fiber optic, and hybrid cables, NAI creates organized assemblies and harnesses to suit the needs of clients in various industries. Thanks to its proprietary Global Sourcing Program, NAI provides cable assemblies that are fully customized in many ways, from the types of cables used, to the insulation materials, to...

The following is a Case Study written about NAI Group and our efforts to improve our internal reporting processes. It was provided to us for use by the leader in PBCS implementations, Key Performance Ideas. NAI Group provides end-to-end connectivity solutions for high-performance systems, delivering the confidence and reliability that enable their customer’s success. As a custom interconnect solutions provider, NAI...

The age of connectivity is here. From smartphones and self-driving cars to self-regulating factory equipment, futuristic gadgets aren't just for James Bond anymore. The Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are already dramatically changing how we interact with the devices we use, making them ever more integral to the management of our daily lives. A Brief History...

5G is a commonly-used abbreviation for 5th generation cellular wireless technology. It is the next step after 3G, 4G, and 4G LTE. It promises connectivity speeds that are much faster than existing cellular standards, and represents a significant technological advancement that will enable support for: High-speed wireless communications Cutting-edge medical devices Internet of Things (IoT) technologies The first 5G networks were...

Does 5G hold the key to the future of self-driving cars? In a nutshell, the answer is yes – but some of the details might surprise you. In late 2018, both Verizon and AT&T launched 5G services, the most recent generation of mobile communication. They claim that 5G will save energy, reduce costs, and massively expand connectivity and data storage. However, PC...

Ever wonder how global tech giants like Google, Facebook, and YouTube can run their services seamlessly and globally? While we take those services for granted, the reality is that they would not be possible without a way to structure data centers to provide the same experience at the same time in Russia, Australia, Brazil, the United States, and practically every...

Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that it’s understandable if you’re having trouble keeping up. There is no space where that trend is truer than in mobile technology. Thankfully, shifts in wireless technology have always followed a simple naming convention that began with 1G analog standards in the 1980s and continued with 4G through the last decade.

Troy, MI – NAI, a leading manufacturer of custom end-to-end connectivity solutions for high-performance systems in industrial, telecom, data and medical industries, announces a change in their name and identity, effective September 20, 2017.  Formerly called North American Interconnect, the company’s name has changed to NAI Group, LLC, and will be doing business as “NAI.”  As CEO Jon Jensen explains, “This...

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