09 Nov NAI Serves Local Communities Across the Globe on the Company’s Community Service Day
NAI Serves Local Communities Across the Globe on the Company’s Community Service Day
Employees at NAI, a leader in the design and manufacture of interconnect solutions, were recently organized and deployed around the globe to provide a Community Service Day in their respective local communities during October 2022. Listed below are seven of the company’s plant and office locations, whose volunteer employees participated in this event. Community service events are regularly held at NAI’s global facilities throughout the year and all participants are volunteer employees. Service to local communities is strongly supported at NAI and is part of the company’s strategic architecture.
Participating locations included:
Gaylord, MI, USA
Beneficiary: Gaylord Community
Activity: Trash and garbage removal
A volunteer team collected and remove debris and garbage from highly visited areas in the community and helped with the fall clean-up of tennis courts and trails at Gaylord’s Elk Park and Aspen Park.
See All Photos for Gaylord NAI Community Service
Nogales, AZ, USA
Beneficiary: Community Food Bank
Activity: Organized, stocked, and distributed food
See All Photos for Nogales NAI Community Service
Suzhou, China
Beneficiary: Suzhou Public Park
Activity: Garbage and trash removal
Many volunteers at Suzhou worked in a public park to collect rubbish and debris in environment-friendly trash bags. Team members were provided an app called “Litterati – Cleaning the Earth” to upload photos of their collected waste for the Environmental Protection Administration to examine and analyze waste components.
See All Photos for Suzhou NAI Community Service
Troy, MI, USA
Beneficiary: The Stage Nature Center
Activity: Gardening & grounds cleanup
See All Photos for Troy NAI Community Service
Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Beneficiary: Vista del Camino Food Bank
Activity: Distributed, organize, and stocked food
See All Photos for Scottsdale NAI Community Service
Hermosillo, Mexico
Beneficiary: Children’s foster home “Ciudad de Los Niños”
Activity: Repair, maintenance, and gardening
A large team of employees from the NAI plants in Hermosillo volunteered to help with gardening, painting, and cleaning one of the houses operated by this shelter for children and adolescents who are abandoned, mistreated, or victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse. The preparation of this facility allowed the organization to accept 5 to 7 additional children in their community.
See All Photos for Hermosillo NAI Community Service
Saltillo, Mexico
Beneficiary: Elderly shelter home “Asilo El Buen Samaritano”.
Activity: Electrical repair & maintenance
The team at Saltillo primarily worked in the main gathering area of the elderly residents at this facility to repair faulty electrical service, including fixing lighting issues. Most of the lights were burned out, representing a critical fall risk for the residents in the dark environment. These were replaced with LED lamps, which provided the needed light source as well as energy savings. In addition, the team replaced new electrical contacts and switches in the facility that were defective. Finally, they also collected and donated various supplies to the home, such as lactose-free milk, canned goods, and detergent. The Asylum of the Good Samaritan focuses on the care and attention of older adults in a situation of abandonment, extreme and moderate poverty; the staff of caregivers attends to daily activities of hygiene, food, clothing, and attention.
See All Photos for Saltillo NAI Community Service
Learn More About Global Interconnect Manufacturer, NAI
Today, global businesses need to behave with social responsibility. NAI has embraced this mindset as part of its strategic architecture.
“Think globally; act locally.” The phrase might be a cliche, but NAI is living it. Many companies publish mission statements and press releases touting their commitment to social responsibility. But NAI doesn’t just talk the talk; we also walk the walk as you can observe from our global days of service.
For more information about NAI, visit our NAI website.
To see past community service events, visit the NAI Blog.
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